Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Week 11-I get sick...yay

Hello everyone!
I apologize for this post being late...again. I'm afraid I got sick earlier this week. I blame a certain individual who will not be named. But thankfully, I'm doing pretty well, just dealing with a stuffy nose and some sneezing.
This past week I made a book tree for my flat. Granted Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet, but I got bored and wanted to add some festivity to my room. It's amazing because I still had books left over. I also added my color-changing plastic cactus on top which made the tree all the more official.
It was nice to decorate my flat and realize the holidays are coming up quicker than I thought. It's only a couple weeks until I return home to Colorado for Christmas. Crazy how time flies. At school we're doing a Secret Santa with all my classmates, so I do look forward to trying to shop for one of my friends. I wonder who I will get? lol. I'm also hosting a Friendsgiving party this Friday evening for all my classmates. Even though the majority don't celebrate Thanksgiving, it will still be nice to be around people during this time so I don't feel homesick. This week has been hard due to my family getting together without me for Thanksgiving. It will be my first Thanksgiving away from home. But I think it will be okay. I have people here to spend time with, or as I call them, my London family.
I also went charity shopping (or thrift store shopping for us Americans) this past week. I've been a bit before, but I wanted to see if I could find some more dresses, just to add some flair to my wardrobe. I got to experience a bit more of the backstreets of London I didn't see before, and of course, took some pictures.
Oddly enough I found a cat on someone's doorstep, just huddled in the rain. I wanted to take them home with me, but my new roommate actually has a phobia of cats. Plus I don't have the time right now to take care of a cat. Instead, I said hi, snapped a photo, and left. I decided I would name the mystery cat Steve. Bye, Steve!
I did manage to find some dresses in the local charity shops, and it was nice to get out of my flat during the weekend. I ended up spending the rest of the weekend in. I read an entire Agatha Christie novel, The Mystery of the Three Quarters. It's one of the new Christie novels that co-author Sophie Hannah has continued in the spirit of Agatha's old novels. Hannah's new novels are okay, they're a bit more modern and less of the adorable 1950s and 1960s slang. But still intriguing, all the same, I really had no idea that the murderer was....oh I shouldn't give it away. Nevermind.

In other news, the podcast I've been working on, Human Angle, has already gotten 50 plays!
Thank you to all my amazing fans! I couldn't have done this without you. Jacqui and I put a lot of work into these episodes, and we're glad to see that a fanbase is rising. Thank you all so much for your support.
I have another essay due tomorrow, so of course, I'm still trying to keep up with the grind, when I'm not trying to sleep in to recover from this cold. I'll get well eventually, I'm sure.
Until next week,

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