Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Week 10-International Dinner and job interviews

Hello everyone!

I apologize for the lateness of this blog, it has been a very busy week for me with essays to write, a podcast to record, and job interviews. But it's been a fun and exciting week as well with new assignments and opportunities.
This past weekend one of my classmates, Laura, hosted an international dinner. We were to bring a dish from the country of our origin and dress up from that country. I really didn't feel like cooking, and also really didn't know what to make that was truly American (yes, hot dogs, I know...) so instead I went to McDonald's and ordered five large fries. I can't tell you how many stares I received on the tube, but it was a lot! The smell of the fries seemed to fill the entire carriage. The fries were warm so I used the bag to warm my fingers, but 45 minutes later, when I arrived at Laura's flat, they were cold. Most people didn't mind that as they were gone by the evening. We had tomato rice, vegan sausage rolls, Brazilian cocktails, Moscow mules, French baguettes and cheese, Colombian cheese balls with caramel, 15's (a Northern Ireland dish), and stir fry. Wayyyy too much food! But everything was delicious! As the evening went on we played different party games, voting who would be the most likely to... as well as a murder mystery game called mafia. I didn't end up getting home until about 3 A.M., but it was worth it.
Or so I thought until the next day when I had a splitting headache. I didn't leave my flat at all that day, just taking it easy. My new roommate Nishita moved in that day too. She is very nice and friendly. She's a writer as well so I'm sure at some point we will chat books.  I'm sensing that we will get along well.
Monday came and the usual school stuff happened. I have an essay due next Thursday which I need to start writing. Thankfully I already have an outline prepared so it's just filling it in. Monday evening my friend Florian invited the whole class to come back to campus to watch some of the Science Media Production documentaries. It's to be a regular Monday night thing, and I look forward to it. The documentaries were only 30 minutes long, but between the films, we discussed the logistics of the camera angle, different shot sequences, music, dialogue, and other cinematographic techniques.  It was a fun evening, to say the least.
Yesterday I had a job interview for a bookselling position. I walked out of the interview feeling confident, but I never want to assume that I have the job after the interview. It just makes for disappointment. I am supposed to hear back from the company today, so fingers crossed all goes well. I have a separate job interview today for a Science Communications Manager position. I feel the position is too far above my skill level, but I am still going to interview for the experience. Life does throw curveballs, so you never know what you're going to find happening. Fingers crossed all goes well.
Yesterday was extremely busy as I rapidly transitioned from interview mode to school mode. This week is just packed with assignments, interviews, and podcast stuff, all of which I find challenging and fun. Hopefully, I'm not overwhelmed!

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