Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Week 7-Halloween planning and first essay due

Hello, lovelies!

I apologize for the blog being one day late. This week our first essay is due, and everyone is extremely stressed about it. The essay is for our class titled the Media Representation of Science. We have to study one topic and how it has been reported in one or more news outlets throughout a time period. My paper is on the reporting of prosthetics, and seeing if there is a change in the reporting due to 3D printing and tissue engineering technology. While my focus was more on a time period, many of my classmates looked at the tone of certain articles, whether it was positive or negative, or which news outlets produced which type of articles, right-wing papers or left-wing? I can officially say that my first essay has been sent off and is over with, but the process of research and the impending grading still looms over me.
I spent most of my week last week in the library or on campus. Over the weekend I shared desks with my friends Cristina and Sunita, as we all struggled through our research together. We shared many memes in order to add humor to our suffering.
On Saturday I did decide to give myself a break from writing by going to Kensington Gardens to read my book. It was a day that felt like something set in an Edgar Allan Poe novel. The wind kicked up moldering leaves onto my ankles. As I settled myself under a tree, I was greeted by the reality of a cold, damp, and slightly squishy ground to sit on. So much for a fun day of reading in the park! It only got worse when it started to rain around lunchtime. By then I had decided that I would rather be in my warm basement flat enjoying the rain out of the window than drenched under a tree.
IMG-9492 Classes were normal for this week. Dr. Webster reminded us that besides our upcoming essay, his essay would be due in November, so thoughts of a break between assignments began to dwindle in my mind.
The nice thing is that there was an early Halloween party that happened last weekend for students looking for a break from writing. I, unfortunately, did not attend, but I enjoyed watching pictures of the very creative and unique Halloween costumes. We're having an actual Halloween party on Halloween, and I will hopefully post some pictures of my costume on next week's blog. I'm going as Black Widow, the Marvel Superhero.
853c1975-fc2d-45a7-9abc-c1635bc1e8dc As Halloween is tomorrow, I spent most of my day shopping at charity shops with some of my classmates. By now most of us are in denial about the essay, so it was nice to have a break with my friends. It's also amazing what you'll find in charity shops! From fuzzy blue scarves to long lacy dresses, I enjoyed being surprised by what the charity shops of London had to offer.
I did also have a job interview today, for the Illuminating Objects Internship at the Science Museum. The Science Museum pairs with the Courtauld Museum to display an art object from the Courtauld's archives, and has one student describe the science behind the artwork. It's amazing what past objects have been. They will let me know by Friday if I have the position, so fingers crossed. I felt the interview went well, but I don't want to assume I have the job.
Besides the upcoming Halloween Party, I am excited for this Friday, as it is the first episode that Human Angle, my new podcast will be recorded and released! Keep your eyes and ears open for the first episode!
So, happy early Halloween and until next week!
Stay Spooky!

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