Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 3 of quarantine

If you can't tell by now, I'm actually really bad at keeping up with all this. I said I would do a blog every day of my quarantine, and missed the entirety of yesterday. To be fair, describing my actions would be rather boring, as I mainly read, played video games, and rested. Today has been a bit more exciting, as I've been trying to do a lot of job applications. Our economy is slowly sinking, but I'm hoping to try to find something online, maybe a tutoring position or a virtual assistant? If anyone knows about anything let me know in the comments section.
Besides job hunting, I've been spending a lot of time with my pets. They're the only ones I can touch during my quarantine, and even then I'm trying to be careful and wash my hands and stuff to make sure they don't give anything to my family. Cooper, our kitten, is such a character. We're pretty sure he's part dog, because even when he goes outside, he just stays in the backyard, and doesn't wander everywhere. He's also a huge lap kitty and snuggler. He purrs quite loudly and always is looking for attention. I find him constantly reaching out to me, paws outstretched, trying to grasp my hair, or jeans, or anything to get my attention. He also loves exploring, and according to my parents, he now knows how to open knows where he'll end up.

Emmie, who I've mentioned before on this blog, is doing quite well, but she gets quite jealous of all the attention Cooper gets. they wrestle and play all the time, it's quite cute and good to know that they entertain each other.
Besides spending time with the pets, I'm continuing to do research for my dissertation. Though all classes have gone online, it's just better to get ahead on things, plus it makes me feel good knowing I've done productive things. My research, which is on cold cases, is mostly archival so quite easy to do online, which is helpful as well.
For those of you wondering, I'll still be doing the podcast, Human Angle just may be slightly delayed due to remote recording and delay in research. But it'll get there! I promise, now is as good a time as any for a podcast.

For those needing book recommendations, I'm currently reading In Search of the Trojan War, which is all about the archaeological digs that helped to discover the ruins of the Trojan War. I picked it up at the British Museum when they had their Troy exhibit on, and before they closed. It's quite a good read so far, and I'm a sucker for good nonfiction stories. It's odd but I'm pretty sure I read more of those than actual fiction these days. I can't complain it's just the scientist within me.

That's about it for now, everyone in my family is doing well and keeping safe which is good. I'll write soon about my next few days. Hopefully, things will be more exciting then.

Cheers, and stay safe!

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