Thursday, December 12, 2019

Week 13-Last week of term 1 and heading home

Hello, my friends!
Well, I finally made it to the last week of my first term for my degree. It's amazing to think that ten weeks have already gone by. It seems only yesterday that I first moved into my flat, went traveling around London, and hoped to make new friends. But here I am, leaving on Saturday to head back home for the Christmas holidays. If I don't write, know that I'm taking a break for the holiday, and should be back in 2020. Crazy to think that the new year is coming up.
Last weekend I went and saw Knives Out. Amazing movie, highly recommend. For someone who reads a lot of detective novels, I was on the edge of my seat and didn't actually know who the murderer was until almost the end of the film. The theater I went to was in Notting Hill. Called the Electric Cinema, it's an old movie house with plush armchairs, cashmere blankets, and of course a built-in bar. I was more than happy to lounge in my chair as characters on screen blamed each other for murder.

This past week was the launch of our 44th issue of I, Science magazine! This was the first issue my team made and it was amazing! I have to thank Lucy our designer for making it look so beautiful. I'm taking at least five copies home with me to distribute to family and friends. I know quite a few people who will want one. The magazine is free and is completely run and written by students. I'm so glad I was able to be a part of the process and learned quite a bit from publication. You can find our new magazine online at for the 44th issue. I can't wait to see what the next issue brings!

I also had an essay due this week which I was busy with. But on top of that, I was also editing the new Human Angle podcast episode, as the air conditioning was on in the studio, which threw the mic levels off. Because of this, it took me around 6 hours to edit 50 minutes of podcast material. I'm just glad to say that it is finally done. When I wasn't audio editing or writing, I was busy packing for my upcoming trip. I have a bit of travel anxiety when it comes to making sure everything is accounted for on a trip. In order to make sure that my bag could be properly checked, I bought a luggage scale. In the dull gray skies over London, I captured this image of a church near High Street Kensington, because it was just so peaceful in the middle of the Christmas bustle. Seeing it calmed me down quite a bit as well, so I'm glad the church was there. My books and gifts alone, when weighed by the scale, were 30 lbs, which means I have 20 lbs for clothes and toiletries and the like. Thank goodness because I had hoped to bring at least some clothes back with me. I can't just wear books, as I keep trying to convince my parents of the opposite.
This week I've been spending time with my friends before I leave since I won't see them for a couple weeks. I went ice skating with a few friends in front of the Natural History Museum which were both fun and perilous, as it was raining and the rink became a giant puddle in the middle. We saw quite a few people fall down and become soaked. I haven't done ice skating in a while and was okay at it. I mainly just held hands with my other friends for support.
I did a gift swap with my friends this afternoon before we all part ways. Some of us are going far away, to Malaysia, and others of us to Romania, or even just staying in the UK. One thing is clear though, I will miss them all.
Until next time, have a happy Christmas!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Week 12-Still sick...visit to the BBC

Hi Everyone!
I guess I'm now uploading my blogs on Wednesdays. That seems to work better for my schedule. I'm afraid I'm still sick but I'm soldiering through. I've been trying to take multiple flu bombs (a mixture of cayenne pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and echinacea tea), which I can only take so much of without feeling like I have to throw up. Hopefully, the disgusting taste of the medicine will be worth its benefits. But I am finding that I'm breathing normally more and coughing less, so generally, that's a good sign.
This past week we had an essay due so all of us were a bit stressed out from that. It was also Thanksgiving. And the first Thanksgiving I had without my family. Instead, I invited my boyfriend over and we ate sushi and skyped my family. It was bittersweet. To be honest, I was sad I wasn't home, but at the same time, it was really sweet of my boyfriend to spend time with me and make sure I didn't celebrate alone.
The day after Thanksgiving, my friends and I had a large Friendsgiving party in our campus bar. There was soo much food, all of it delicious. My friend Cristina came over before the party and I helped her cook eggplant dip. It's a traditional Romanian recipe, where she's from, where you cook the eggplant directly on the stove burner. It smells...interesting, and we only set the fire alarm off twice, but it was definitely a success. There was also a freshly baked apple pie, sweet potato pie, some couscous with veggies, falafels, crisps, chocolate-covered strawberries, cupcakes, and more. Everything tasted amazing. Even though I didn't plan for the party to have karaoke, the bar was hosting karaoke that night. I've got some great videos of a few of my friends belting out some tunes, which I'm sure I'll treasure forever. All-in-all, not a bad Thanksgiving.
I spent the weekend in recovery mode from being sick, so lounging and trying to rest. I finished a book, surprise, and of course worked on podcast stuff. It's definitely keeping me busy, but I'm looking forward to continuing the podcast next year, after Christmas break.
Speaking of Christmas, I can't believe I leave for home in 10 days. That is insane!!! I cannot believe it. I've been busy this week, and it's rushing by me. I was able to visit the BBC last evening to watch my radio professor do his weekly podcast. Their studios are huge and amazing, super techy and professional. I really want to go back and work there at some point. It was an absolutely fabulous experience and I'm so grateful I was able to tour.
Today I was visiting King's College London, as I'm going to be a tutor there next term for their upcoming Science Communication class for Biomedical Undergraduates. It's a brand new class that I get to help develop, so I'm really excited about putting in some ideas to make the class fun and exciting for science students, and show them that there are more jobs out there than just in the lab.
Besides being rushed off my feet, I have managed to do more research for my last essay due next week. I'm also trying to relax and get some reading done, and buy some last-minute gifts for friends. Nothing fancy mind you. But just to lighten the spirit.
Until next week!